We all know that Australia is known as the lucky country – and one of the reasons I’d like to add to the ever expanding pile of reasons for this is that when a new year begins we are luckily in the thick of summer, and slipping into the ‘new year, new me’ mindset is simple. And decidedly easier for us than for our northern hemisphere cousins.
I know this first hand. In years gone by, I’d be back to work in January, enduring the freezing and dark London commute while also trying to succeed at my new year’s resolutions, whether they were to jump into a new gym routine or knock my alcohol consumption on its head.
Flip to my life in Sydney and there really is no comparison. Yes, I’m (again) becoming sober curious and have joined this year’s many Dry January devotees by giving up alcohol. But new year’s resolutions certainly hit different in Australia. For a start, I’m not shivering through a biting winter while changing out of opaque tights and thermal layers into leggings for the gym, or avoiding seeing friends so I don’t get talked into that comforting glass of red after a day at work.
I certainly don’t underestimate the privilege I have. From where I live, I can drive to my local sea pool and be in the water in less than 15 minutes. There’s also a reformer Pilates studio just a 5 minute walk from home. I really have no excuse.
Here are my Ins and Outs this year (or some of the highlights, I’m sure they’ll change!), as much to hold myself accountable as anything else:
- Rest
- Cycle syncing
- Yoga
- Reformer Pilates
- Strength training
- Journalling
- Staying in touch with family and friends overseas
- Singing
- Dance
- Creative publishing – my blog, a Substack, on socials
- Rushing
- Alcohol
- Clutter
- Shopping – if I must, can I make it vintage
New year, new me must-haves

Are you making new year’s resolutions this year? I’d love to hear what they are. Let me know in the comments.